Get one or multiple entities from the Datastore. Retrieving an entity by key is the fastest way to read from the Datastore.
This method accepts the following arguments:
MyModel.get(/* {int|string|Array<int|string>}. -- id(s) to retrieve */ <id>, /* {Array} -- optional. ex: ['ParentEntity', 1234 ] */ <ancestors>, /* {string} -- optional. A specific namespace */ <namespace>, /* {Transaction} -- optional. The transaction currently in progress */ <transaction>, /* {object} -- optional. Additional config */ <options>)
@Returns -- a gstore entity instance.
constBlogPost=require('./blog-post.model');// id can be an integer or a stringBlogPost.get(123).then((entity) => {console.log(entity.plain());});// Array of idsBlogPost.get([1,2,3]).then((entities) => { entities =>entity.plain());});// Passing an ancestor path with a Kind and a nameconstancestors= ['Parent','parentName'];BlogPost.get('stringId', ancestors).then((entity) => { ... });
The resulting entity has a plain() method that returns an object with the entity data + its id. See the doc here.
If you need to retrieve an entity from inside a transaction, you can pass the transaction object as fourth parameter.
consttransaction=gstore.transaction(); => {BlogPost.get(123,null,null, transaction).then((entity) => {// Reminder: entity is an instance of the BlogPost model with all its properties & methodstransaction.commit().then(() => { ... }); });});
ttl (default: the global cache ttl.keys configuration)
> preserveOrder: This option is useful when you pass an array of IDs to retrieve and you want to preserve the order of those ids in the response.
Note: setting this property to true does add some processing, especially for large sets. Only use it if you absolutely need to maintain the original order passed.
> dataloader The Dataloader instance created for the request. Read the documentation for more information on how to create the instance.
> cache If you activated the cache on the gstore-node instance, you can override here the global cache configuration. If the cache for keys fetching has been activated (default: true), you can pass false here to bypass the cache. If the cache for keys fetching has been disabled, then you can pass true here to cache specific key(s).
> ttl Overrides the global keys TTL of the cache. If you have multiple cache stores, you can pass an Object with a different value for each store. See in the example below.
const { instances } =require('gstore-node');constgstore=instances.get('default');// Important! This should be done on **each** request (read the Dataloader documentation)constdataloader=gstore.createDataLoader();BlogPost.get([1,2,3],null,null,null, { preserveOrder:true, dataloader }).then((entities) => {// Order is preservedconsole.log(entities[0]; // 1console.log(entities[1]; // 2console.log(entities[2]; // 3 });// cache ttl options exampleBlogPost.get(123,null,null,null, { ttl:300 }).then(() =>... );// cache ttl multi storesBlogPost.get(123,null,null,null, { ttl: { memory:60, redis:900 } }).then(() =>... );