
gstore works great with Typescript projects. You simply need to create a Type for your schema and pass it when instantiating your Schema.

Let see it with an example

// user.schema.ts

import GstoreNode from 'gstore-node';

const gstore = GstoreNode();

interface UserType {
    userName: string;
    email: string;
    age?: number; // optional
    tags?: string[]; // optional
    birthday?: Date; // optional

// Pass it on Schema creation
const schema = new Schema<UserType>({
    userName: { type: String },
    email: { type: String },
    age: { type: Number, optional: true },
    tags: { type: Array, optional: true },
    birthday: { type: Date, optional: true }

const User = gstore.model('User', schema);

The `UserType` interface is then read in many places

// Entity
const user = new User({ name: 'John' }); // TS error as "email" is not provided

// Queries
const query = User.query();
query.filter('age', '<', 'wrong string'); // TS error as "age" should be a number
query.filter('wrongProperty',  'some value'); // TS error as "wrongProperty" does not exist in User

// We can also specify the format of the query response ("JSON" is the default and thus optional)
const query = User.query<'ENTITY'>(); // Set the response format to "ENTITY"

query.run({ format: 'ENTITY' }).then(result => {
    const { entities } = result;
    const [user] = entities;
    // "user" is an Entity instance with its methods and properties
    const name = user.name; // string

// Shortcut queries (`list()` and `findAround()`) response
// are automatically typed from the `format` option provided
User.list({ format: 'ENTITY' }).populate().then((result) => {
    const { entities } = result;
    const [user] = entities;
    const age = user.age; // number
    user.save(); // method from the entity instance

Non explicit schemas

It you want to allow other properties apart from those declared (see explicitOnly option in the Schema options), this is how you would create your Model:

type UserType = {
    userName: string;
    email: string;
    age?: number; // optional
    tags?: string[]; // optional
    birthday?: Date; // optional
} & {[propName: string]: any}; // Allow any other properties

// Schema with "explicitOnly" set to "false"
const schema = new Schema<UserType>({
    userName: { type: String },
    email: { type: String },
    age: { type: Number, optional: true },
    tags: { type: Array, optional: true },
    birthday: { type: Date, optional: true }
}, { explicitOnly: false }); // explicitOnly set to "false"

const User = gstore.model('User', schema);

Last updated