gstore-node supports Typescript. Make sure you have installed the Types definition file for @google-cloud/datastore first:
npm install --save @types/google-cloud__datastore
Once you have installed the types for google Datastore, you just need to create a custom Type for your schema and pass it to the Schema and Model instance.
Let see it with an example
// user.schema.ts
import GstoreNode from 'gstore-node';
const gstore = GstoreNode();
type UserType = {
userName: string;
email: string;
age?: number; // optional
tags?: string[]; // optional
birthday?: Date; // optional
// Pass it on Schema creation
const schema = new Schema<UserType>({
userName: { type: String },
email: { type: String },
age: { type: Number, optional: true },
tags: { type: Array, optional: true },
birthday: { type: Date, optional: true }
// Pass it on Model creation
const User = gstore.model<UserType>('User', schema);
It you want to allow other properties apart from those declared (see explicitOnly option in the Schema options), this is how you would create your Model:
type UserType = {
userName: string;
email: string;
age?: number; // optional
tags?: string[]; // optional
birthday?: Date; // optional
} & {[propName: string]: any}; // Allow any other properties
// Schema with "explicitOnly" set to "false"
const schema = new Schema<UserType>({
userName: { type: String },
email: { type: String },
age: { type: Number, optional: true },
tags: { type: Array, optional: true },
birthday: { type: Date, optional: true }
}, { explicitOnly: false }); // explicitOnly set to "false"
const User = gstore.model<UserType>('User', schema);