
Shortcut for listing entities from a Model. For complete control (pagination, start, end...) use the @google-cloud queries. When you configure a list() shortcut query on a Schema, you can then later quickly fetch entities with pre-configured settings, like the order by or limit (those settings can be overridden later on).

1. Configure "list" query options on the Schema

entitySchema.queries('list', options);


The options object accepts the following "queries" properties

  • limit

  • order

  • select

  • ancestors

  • filters (default operator is "=" and does not need to be passed)

  • start

  • offset

INFO: "order", "select" & "filters" can also be Arrays of settings (see example below).

Additional configuration The options accepts also the following properties

  • namespace {string}

  • readAll {boolean} true | false

  • format {string} "JSON" | "ENTITY" (default: "JSON")

  • showKey {boolean} true | false

  • cache {boolean} true | false

  • ttl {number | object}

  • consistency {'strong' | 'eventual'}

namespace Overrides the default gstore instance namespace.

showKey (default: false)

Adds a "__key" property to the entity data with the complete Key information from the Datastore.

cache (default: the "global" cache configuration) "true" = read from the cache and prime the cache with the query response.

ttl (default: the cache.ttl.queries value) Custom TTL value for the cache. For multi-store it can be an object of TTL values.

const options = {
    readAll: true,
    format: "ENTITY",
    showKey: true,
    ttl: { memory: 60, redis: 600 }

consistency Specify either "strong" or "eventual". If not specified, default values are chosen by Datastore for the operation. Learn more about strong and eventual consistency here.


// blog-post.model.js

// Create Schema
const blogPostSchema = new gstore.Schema({
    title : { type: String },
    isDraft: { type: Boolean }

// List query settings
const listQueryOptions = {
    limit : 10,
    order : { property: 'title', descending: true }, // descending defaults to false and is optional
    select : 'title',
    ancestors : ['Parent', 123],  // will add an "hasAncestor" filter
    filters : ['isDraft', false] // operator defaults to "=" and is optional,

// Configure "list" shortcut Query
blogPostSchema.queries('list', listQueryOptions);

module.exports = gstore.model('BlogPost', blogPostSchema);

2. Use anywhere

MyModel.list(options /*optional*/)

@Returns: the response is an object with 2 properties:

  • entities

  • nextPageCursor // only present if there are more results to fetch

The nextPageCursor is for pagination and can be used in a future call to MyModel.list({ start: pageCursor })


const BlogPost = require('./blog-post.model');

    .then((response) => {
        console.log(response.nextPageCursor); // only present if there are more results

// with a callback
BlogPost.list(function(err, response) {
    if (err) {
        // deal with err

Example with Arrays of values (order, select, filters)

const listQueryOptions = {
    order  : [
        { property: 'title' },
        { property: 'createdOn', descending: true }
    select  : ['title', 'createdOn'],
    filters : [['author', 'John Snow'], ['rating', '>',  4]]

blogPostSchema.queries('list', listQueryOptions);


The value of a filter can also be a function that returns a value. This function will be executed on each request. Useful for dynamic value for example when retrieving the current date.


const listQuerySettings = {
    filters : ['publishedOn', '<', () => new Date()],


BlogPost.list().then((response) => {
    // --> will return all BlogPost with a publishedOn date previous from current date.

Override settings

The global configuration set on the Schema can be overridden anytime by passing a new options object. Model.list(options)

const options = {
    limit: 20,
    start: 'somPageCursorFromPreviousQuery'

    .then((response) => { ... });

Last updated

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