Schema options

When creating a Schema you can pass a second object with a set of options. This object is optional you only need to pass it if you need to override the default values.

const mySchema = new Schema({}, {...options});


default: true

By default each time an entity is saved it is validated. You can disable this behaviour by setting validateBeforeSave to false.


default: true

To allow undeclared properties on a Schema set explicitOnly to false. This will bring back the magic of Schemaless to your entities. The properties explicitly declared will still be validated but any other will be accepted.


An options object to set global configuration for your queries. These settings can be overridden on specific queries:

  • queries.readAll

  • queries.format

  • queries.showKey

  • queries.cache

  • queries.ttl

  • queries.consistency

> readAll

default: false

Override the Schema property parameter read (here) to return all the properties of the entities.

> format

default: "JSON"

By default queries will return plain JSON objects with the entity data + the "id" of the entity added automatically. If you prefer, you can have gstore entity instances returned (with all its methods "save(), delete()", ...).

The response format can be defined here globally but it can be overridden later in each query. Valid values are:

  • "JSON"

  • "ENTITY"

> showKey

default: false

Adds a "__key" property to the entity data with the complete Key from the Datastore.

> cache

default: the global cache configuration "true" = read from the cache and prime the cache with the query response.

> ttl

default: the global cache.ttl.queriesconfiguration Custom TTL value for the cache. For multi-store it can be an Object of TTL values.

    queries: { ttl: 3600 };

// multi-store
    queries: {
        ttl: {
            memory: 600,
            redis: 3600,

> consistency

Specify either "strong" or "eventual". If not specified, default values are chosen by Datastore for the operation. Learn more about strong and eventual consistency here.


default: false

This will automatically exclude large properties from indexing. It help in storing large values that are not declared on the schema.

Note: This feature requires the @google-cloud/datastore version 4.3.0 or superior.

Complete example:

const userSchema = new Schema({
    username : { type: String },
    email: { type: String, validate: 'isEmail' }
}, {
    validateBeforeSave: false,
    explicitOnly: false,
    excludeLargeProperties: true,
    queries: {
        readAll: true,
        format: 'ENTITY',
        showKey: true,

Last updated

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