After you create an entity you can persist its data to the Datastore with
This method accepts the following arguments
/* {Transaction} -- optional. Will execute the save operation inside this transaction */
/* {object} -- optional. Additional config */
/* {function} -- optional. The callback, if not passed a Promise is returned */
@Returns -- the entity saved
The options argument has a method property where you can set the saving method.
It default to 'upsert'.
// blog-post.controller.js
const BlogPost = require('./blog-post.model');
const data = { title: 'My first blog post' };
const blogPostEntity = new BlogPost(data); => {
console.log(; // auto-generated id
}).catch(err => { ... });
// changing the save method
var blogPostEntity = new BlogPost(data);, { method: 'insert' }).then( ... );
// with a callback onBlogPostSave(err, entity) {
if (err) { // deal with err }
console.log(; // auto-generated id
// from inside a transaction
// Info: if you have middleware on "pre" see note below
const transaction = gstore.transaction();
.then(() => {
const blogPost = new BlogPost({ title: 'My new blog post' });;
// ... any other operation on the Transaction
return transaction.commit();
.then((response) => {
// ... transaction finished
const apiResponse = data[0];
}).catch((err) => {
// handle error
Saving inside a Transaction with middleware on Model
If you have "pre" middlewares on the save method of your Model (mySchema.pre('save', myMiddleware)) you need to chain the Promise of the save method before committing the transaction, otherwise the entity won't be saved.
You can avoid this by disabling the middlewares on the entity with preHooksEnabled set to false on the entity.
const user = new User({ name: 'john' });
const transaction = gstore.transaction();
// option 1: chaining Promise before committing
.then(() => {
return // there are some "pre" save hooks
.then(() => {
// need to chain Promise before committing
return transaction.commit();
.then((response) => {
const apiResponse = data[0];
// ... transaction finished
}).catch((err) => {
// handle error
// option 2: disable "pre" middlewares on entity before saving => {
User.get(123, null, null, transaction)
.then((entity) => { = '';
// validate before so we can rollback the transaction if necessary
const valid = user.validate();
if (!valid) {
// rollback the transaction;
// disable pre middleware(s)
user.preHooksEnabled = false;
// save inside transaction in "sync";
// ... any other transaction operations
transaction.commit().then(() => {